This book presents a challenge to all believers to rediscover the true faith and come out of the confusion left us by our ancestors. It calls into question of the “bible” Translations. It leaves out that the “bible” was written and put to gather by the order of Emperor Constantine through the Council of Nicaea and he even put his own son the Council to make sure it fallows his views. Two hundred years after the death of “Christ”. The book does a good job of pointing out how the translators made even more changes to :church” doctrine. Instituted new words Church, Jesus, sun-worship, bible and others.
TRADUTTORE TRADITORE A Translator is a Betrayer Italian Proverb
Morality has much more to gain when surrounded by all the light of reason, than when enveloped in the darkness of faith It is not the instruction of people which is to be feared, (only tyrants dread it) but rather, and much more, its ignorance, because it consigns it to all the vices and hands it over to the first oppressor, who enslaves it. Charles F. Dupuis